BRUSSELS | Thu Jul 4, 2013 11:17am EDT
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said on Thursday he had no reason to believe that NATO's security had been compromised by alleged U.S. spying on its European allies.
The German magazine Der Spiegel, citing secret documents, reported last Saturday that the United States had bugged European Union offices in Brussels and gained access to EU internal computer networks.
Der Spiegel quoted from a September 2010 "top secret" U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) document that it said fugitive former NSA contractor Edward Snowden had taken with him.
The magazine mentioned a NATO link, reporting that more than five years ago security officers at the EU had noticed several missed calls and traced them to NSA offices within the NATO compound in Brussels.
Questioned about the Spiegel report at a news conference, Rasmussen said he had no information about possible NSA facilities within the U.S. representation at NATO.
"NATO is not involved in this. I don't consider it a NATO problem. I have no reason to believe that NATO security has been compromised in any way," he said.
The United States and other NATO members have offices at the sprawling NATO headquarters complex in Brussels.
Rasmussen said he had not asked the U.S. government about the spying reports. "I am very much focused on strengthening the transatlantic relationship," he said.
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